This is my speech for Public Speaking class last October 1996

TOPIC: "Lymph Circulation"
SPECIFIC PURPOSES:     Teach the listeners

1. a way to treat diseased conditions early;
2. to avoid pharmaceutical drugs unless absolutely necessary;
3. to have confidence in the wisdom of their body, and their own biochemical rhythms.

The most important thing to remember about taking better care of yourself is that the wisdom of the body has "songs of healing" already built-in, to heal you, but the messages in this biochemical music can't get thru to the cells, if the lymph fluid is not circulating well.


1. The same intelligence that grew you from a sperm and an egg, your DNA, has all the instructions that you would ever need, for any disease, already built-in. These built-in instructions in your body, that really do the healing, don't come from the drugstore.

2. These biochemical messages can't do their job, if they can't get thru to the cellular level, because of lymph congestion.

3. How to tell when you have lymph congestion, and how to solve the problem.


The most important thing to remember about taking better care of yourself is that the wisdom of the body has "songs of healing" already built-in, to heal you, but the messages in this biochemical music can't get thru to the cells, if the lymph fluid is not circulating well.

What the lymph is.

My Background

My B S degree was in Chemistry, in 1968. I also have studied nutrition at the layman's level, since before I graduated from high school in 1963. In my junior year of high school, I took a college level course in Physiology. It was very detailed.

So, all the conflicting claims of various diet doctors, and other nutrition books, have made more sense to me, for a long long time, than they do to an ordinary consumer.

Recently, for almost two years, I studied nutrition intensely, in 1991 and 1992, trying to discover what nutrients had become depleted out of my body.

Living under too much stress, I had come down with spinal arthritis, infectious spinal arthritis. More about how this occurred in a few minutes.

For these two years, I studied intensely, taking notes and recording the facts I found and the ones I personally tested, on my personal computer, in a special format I call Truisms. I saved all of these notes in more than 561 separate computer files, for each substance and symptom. The name of this database is "NutriZen\BodyEquations".
Download a shareware copy here.
If it helps you,   I ask for a voluntary donation.

All that the medical doctors had to sell me for my arthritis were strong pharmaceutical drugs, drugs so dangerous that I would have had to keep on indefinitely,  taking kidney and liver function tests, on a regular basis.

They were really annoyed that I had dared to research this ailment at the library by myself.

And, at the end of the line, they really want to sell people joint replacement surgery. That is what they make the big money on.


Needless to say, I got fed up with medical doctors, and their lack of concern for my well- being, and I chose to treat myself with nutrition and herbs.


So, when my first informative speech topic

"Listen to your body,    An Overview of Wholistic Health",
proved to be too broad,

I adjusted my focus of attention to one of the most important things you should know, to learn how to take better care of your body,

Lymph Congestion


It is a subset of the blood.

"Lymph" is the juicy part of your blood, after it leaves the capillaries, and before it goes back into the veins.

While it is actually bathing your cells, it is called "interstitial fluid". It seems to be a matter of which compartment of the body it is in.

Lymph congestion has been a major health problem for me, personally, since 1982, when I had an abcessed tooth, that infected my maxillary sinus, and lymph glands on the back of my neck.

I already had an old whiplash injury in the same side of the neck. The infection became chronic.

In the years since, I have learned the hard way, what helps the lymph flow on the back of my neck and head. Recently, I discovered something even better, on the Internet.

So, if there is one subject I should KNOW about, inside out, it is Lymph Congestion.

I also know about pharmaceutical drugs, and the damage they can do, especially to the kidneys and liver, from my husband's experiences.

Ask the pharmacist for the package insert, on the next prescription drug you buy. It's the paper with all the fine print, about side effects. Read it carefully, before you buy the drug.

Almost all of them say that they will likely damage your kidneys and liver.

I managed the hypertension and other medications for my late husband, who had had a stroke at age 54, and could not open his own pill bottles. I did this for him for over 13 years, including speaking up for him at doctors' appointments, researching things at the library, getting copies of medical journal articles, etc. I had his Power of Attorney for Health Care.

I have seen up close what pharmaceutical drugs can do to the body. They extended his life, while gradually poisoning his kidneys.

After what he went thru, I decided that I am never going to become addicted to long-term pharmaceutical drugs.

Except in a life-threatening situation, it is usually smart to avoid strong pharmaceutical drugs.

So, listen to me now, and try to remember just one thing:

"The built-in instructions in your body, that really do the healing, don't come from the drugstore. These biological instructions can be summarized as "the wisdom of your body".

The wisdom of your body is written in your DNA, and in all the enzymes, proteins, hormones, and other natural molecules, that your DNA tells your cells to create.

The same intelligence that grew you from a sperm and an egg, has all the instructions you ever will need.

It has "songs of healing" for every possible disease, already built in.

But those messages cannot get thru to the area in your tissues, where they are needed, at the cellular level, unless your lymph circulation is good.

You don't have to buy an expensive prescription drug to be healed, yet that is what our system of medicine has become, just dispensing pharmaceutical drugs, for 90% of the patients, basically for the benefit of the stockholders of these companies.

So you can take the responsibility to stay well, by being sure that your circulation is effective, that the nutrients are getting thru to the cells in these interstitial spaces.

That's where the cells really are, the spaces outside the capillary walls, where the lymph fluids actually bathe the cells.

The capillary walls are like a soaker hose. The cells overlap, and there are spaces in between where fluids can leak out.

This is "where the rubber meets the road" in circulation. This is where it really circulates down to the cellular level.

This is where the fresh nutrients are actually delivered to the cells.

This is where toxic waste products are removed from the cells, and carried back to the veins.

My physiology book, The Principles of Physiology, by David Jensen, says that

"...only minute volumes of interstitial fluid are present at any time among the cells of the body". (p.203)

so, the thinner fluids ebb and flow, being quickly reabsorbed into venous channels, in the normal healthy state.

Lining the lymph vessels are cells that can actually kill germs. Not only are there mobile white blood cells of different types plentiful in the lymph vessels, and the lymph glands, but the cells forming the lymph vessels themselves, can actually kill germs, and can form antibodies. This is an important part of the immune system.

What are the effects of lymph fluid not circulating well?
It is a multi-component fluid, so it is a little difficult to describe it correctly.

There is always a jelly-like component, because there is mucous in it, and plasma proteins, albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen, that makes blood clot.

Instead of it actually becoming too thick, it is more likely that the interstitial spaces become overly filled with thick jelly-like molecules, leaving little or no room for the more moist, thinner fluids to circulate thru.

When you have too much capillary permeability, you can have excessive loss of these plasma proteins into the interstitial spaces.

In between surges, when all the juicy thin stuff is gone, all you have left is the jelly-like mucous and plasma proteins, acting much like a sponge.

All kinds of other large protein molecules can leak out of those holes between the cells in the capillary walls, due to excessive "capillary permeability", and become trapped in these interstitial spaces, like beached whales.

If the jelly stage dehydrates too much, which it can, if there is less and less space for the moist liquids, it can become like cottage cheese, and then like rancid cottage cheese.

When this happens, the cells have to exist in a sea of toxic waste products.

They are being starved for the nutrients they desperately need.

So, the cells that have to live in these conditions, can't quite perform the "songs of healing" that Nature programmed into your body.

They can't quite perform the biochemical processes that Nature intended.

As the cells don't get what they need, and toxins accumulate, the primary noticeable effects are

inflammation, swelling, which includes edema, water retention, cellulite, and weight gain, muscle cramps, infection, and in severe cases, a medical condition called gangrene, which requires amputation.

All kinds of secondary diseased conditions can happen, if this stagnation continues indefinitely.

Another possibility is tumors, When the toxins accumulate, due to inefficient circulation, this can provoke a reaction from the body, and the body grows a tumor.

Usually first, the body will grow a benign tumor, to encapsulate the toxins, but if that benign tumor does not get enough oxygen, it can turn malignant. About 1931, a doctor won a Nobel prize for discovering this fact.

Poor lymph circulation also makes it harder on your heart.

Any disease, in general, would improve if you improve your lymph circulation.

Okay, so how do you improve your lymph circulation?

Actually, it is quite simple. Most of this, you have already heard of, but maybe this puts it in a new perspective.

Some things that are well-established to help move the lymph thru the lymph vessels, and back towards the veins, are,

1. Exercise

2. Massage

3. Increasing oxygenation

4. Drinking more water

5. Sufficient electrolytes (minerals)

6. Nutrients that reduce capillary permeability, so the capillaries are not so leaky


7. Nutrients that help your body to expel excessive mucous

To go into greater detail,

1. Exercise will help, because the lymph vessels have one-way valves, that keep pushing the lymph fluids toward the veins. It can't go backwards.

2. Massage will help, for the same reason, because the lymph can only go one way, if pressure is applied to make it move. It can only go toward the veins.

If you can't afford to pay a masseuse, and you have no close family member who can give you massages, you can give yourself a massage. Deepak Chopra recommends giving yourself a daily massage with peanut oil.

3. Increasing oxygenation will help, just because what fluid does get thru, will be better oxygenated. It will reduce the stress on the tissues.

taking antioxidants,

going outside more,

being alert to indoor air quality,

deep breathing exercises.

4. Drinking more water will help because more water will help to thin the mucous portion of the lymph. You won't be so dehydrated. When you hear anyone talk about being dehydrated, remember that jelly-like stuff in your interstitial spaces.

5. Sufficient electrolytes The minerals that I found mentioned the most, were Potassium and Magnesium. I think it has something to do with thinning the mucous.

6. Nutrients that reduce capillary permeability:

Histamine is one thing that increases capillary permeability.

Other things that promote permeability are

insect bites,
drugs, and
bacterial toxins.

Reducing capillary permeability means tightening up the gaps between the cells, and that means less large molecules leaking out.

bioflavinoids are probably the safest thing to take for this;

methionine, in its role as an anti-histamine, but you need to take B6 with it;

ground sesame seed has a vitamin T in it.

Vitamin B3, niacin, seems to help me, but it supposedly dilates the capillaries, as well as thinning the blood, so I am not sure that it goes under reducing capillary permeability.

7. Nutrients that help your body to expel excessive mucous:


Some authors claim that drinking lemon juice in water will help to thin the mucous.

Here I should probably mention enemas, herbal laxatives, and fasting, to reduce mucous in the body.

"Mucokinetic" herbs, also called "expectorant" or "lymph decongestant" herbs will help: Echinacea, Astragalus, Burdock, for a few easy ones to remember.

This summer, in researching for herbal treatments for cancer, I found a recipe called "Essiac", on the Internet.

My doggie had cancer. I tried it myself, and it helped the lymph glands on the back of my head and neck.

It is made from burdock root, sheep sorrel herb, turkey rhubarb root, and slippery elm. I have the recipe on my web pages on snowcrest, or you can do a search with Netscape.

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, and fresh green juices, and sprouts are beneficial, because they are rich in oxygen and in minerals, and enzymes.

Enzymes help the body break down some of these interstitial proteins.

Another thing that can help to get rid of some of the excessive toxins in the interstitial spaces, is to wear a plastic sweat suit, and just sweat a lot.

Some other common reasons for poor circulation are weak valves in your veins, blood that is just too thick, or a weak heart.

Poor circulation either before or after the interstitial spaces can have a bad effect on lymph flow also.


Whenever you first start to feel sick, or even extra tired, remember the needs of your body for good circulation, right down to the cellular level. Remember your LYMPH.

Take care of this level of yourself, early on, and save yourself a lot of pain and suffering, and a fortune in medical bills.

If you learn this important lesson, you will have lifelong abundant good health, and a long healthy life as well.
Converted from   LYMPHCU.RTF

copyright 1996-98, Shari Soza