Information Is Power,  Think For Yourself

My "qualifications"?

by Shari Soza

I am 52,   and have been studying nutrition since I was a teenager.    My mother had whole bookshelves full of nutrition books,    Adelle Davis,   Gaylord Hauser,    etc.   As a junior in high school,   I took a college-level course in Physiology,   at my high school.

The following summer,   I participated in a National Science Foundation Summer Institute at Texas A&M University,   where I attended lectures in various branches of scientific research in the mornings,   and in the afternoons,    I worked in a nutritional research lab.

In 1967,    I was fortunate enough to meet the son of Edgar Cayce,   Hugh Lynn Cayce,   when he was on a book tour or similar,    in SE Texas.   My mother was a newspaper reporter,    and a close friend of hers had a big farm  near Silsbee,    and would have different speakers come out and give lectures there.    She always took me along.   That day,   Hugh Lynn Cayce needed transportation to the local radio and television stations,  and my mother and I volunteered.   As I drove him around,   I made a silent wish,    "to be given gifts,  to use to help people",   as I had read that Edgar Cayce had done.    That same night,   as I was falling asleep,     I was contacted by non-material Beings,   who stimulated my Heart Chakra,   similar to the drawing that I have borrowed from ......
In the months and years after that contact,    my intuitional intelligence was unfolded,
so I would have to say that,    my prayer was granted.
More about that here.

My evolution in understanding how we think,   and learn,   and my interest in educational reform,     is described in this new web page,    at

My BS is in Chemistry,   1968.     Unfortunately,     when I began to look for work in Chemistry,    an interviewing employer gave me an intelligence test,    and told me that I was too smart for his job,   and that if I did not go on to graduate school,   I would be just a "glorified lab technician".    He said that I should consider computers.    By then,   I had a child,    so graduate school was out of the question.

From late 1968 until mid-1975,     I worked as a technical writer and computer programmer,    before remarrying,    and coming to Yreka,   in mid-1976.    I have been using herbs and studying them since about 1976.    I bought some blue wire-bail glass  jars made by Ball,   for the Bicentennial,     that are very handy for a person packing herbs into capsules.    They have a round glass top,   and a rubber seal.     They have helped me tremendously in my making my own capsules.    If you find those,    buy some.

In 1977,    I studied every book I could get thru my local library,   on Naturopathic Medicine,     and wrote the paper,     Toxin Release.

My husband had a stroke at 53,    in 1979,    from artery disease and high blood pressure and artery disease,    aggravated by insulin coma shock therapy that he had been given by our government in VA hospitals,   as a "treatment" for head injuries sustained in the wars.    After he  had the stroke,     and could not open his own pill bottles,    I became his "nurse"  and caregiver.     I learned a lot from observing the changes that he went thru,     following the advice of medical doctors,   and pharmaceutical drugs.     He died in late 1992.

In 1991-1992,    after coming down with painful spinal arthritis,     I studied nutrition intensely,    compiling 561+ separate files of my condensed study-note format,    that I call   NutriZen\BodyEquations.     The files are all converted to html now,    at
You can search for keywords at

I have it on my website,   but it was temporarily off-line,    for re-organization,   and I  added a search engine.     I hope to develop the questionaire,    that I had envisioned would help people utilize the information.   It would be helpful if I could receive donations to support this work.    Nobody is paying me to be the cheerleader for this teaching effort.

In Fall of 1996,    while taking Public Speaking at the local community college,    I wrote a paper on the importance of good lymph circulation.

I was born at home,   delivered by an osteopathic doctor,      and was raised using osteopathic doctors  until I grew up and left home,   and then had a mixture of MDs,  and  DOs.     Later,  while married to my late husband,    we went to Chiropractors when we could afford it,   and he had  MDs,    with his stroke and high blood pressure ailments.

My favorite author on these subjects is  Thomas S Szasz MD.

My technical writing resume
A college-level course in Physiology, as a junior in high school, 1961-62.
My own experiences with neck problems after an auto accident, 1963.
99%-ile reading level. National Merit Finalist, 1962-63.
SAT scores Verbal 98.5%ile, Math 99%ile (1963)
Mensa member #1141867

Strong intuitive talents, especially after April 1967.Silent wish, Spring of 1967

B.S. in Chemistry, Lamar University (then Lamar State College of Technology), 1968.
My own experiences with mental reprogramming after a head injury, in an auto accident, 1968.
[ I found many similarities to my experiences in Julian Jaynes' book, The Origins Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind, a survey of language and thought over eleven thousand years.]

Limited teaching experience.
Over 35 years of nutritional self-study.
Deep knowledge about quantum physics and the interface between matter and energy.
For example, Regions Faster Than Light
Intense study of naturopathic type books, 1977. Toxin Release
A unique database on stress and nutrition, researched 1991-1992: "NutriZen\BodyEquations"
OR here,  in text format,   in a zip file,    press Shift key

Experience as caregiver for my late husband, who had artery disease and a stroke, 13 years.
Integrated thinking, using both sides of my Brain
with a conscious effort to enable the head-to-heart connection, to tune into the heart wisdom.
In Bhodhisattva Mode

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SHARI SOZA ENTERPRISES: Personal Sovereignty Support Systems, Philosopher Futurist Consultant, NutriZen\ BodyEquations, Mensan, Time-Matrix Translation, Reality Change Consultant, Management Consultant, Stress Depletion Consultant, Dispute Resolution, Creating A Future

Copyright 1996, Shari Soza