All Kids February Visit

Denise, Tom, Laura and Dan had planned a mid-February ski visit for some time. Then Jim decided this would be a good opportunity to use his air fare voucher and since Bob was between jobs, he decided to come up with Denise. So we had the rare experience of having all our children and grandchildren gathered under the roof at the same time. It was a full but happy house.

Denise et al, including little black Mia, arrived shortly after midnight on Thursday the 15th amid sleet-drizzle-crud weather.

They naturally slept late on Friday. Dan and Laura were delighted just to experience tramping around in the snow before breakfast. By noon Denise, Tom, Laura and Dan were off to the Ski Park. The weather was still low-gray and gloomy, but at least what fell from the sky was snow on the ski trails and they reported having a good time. Bob remained here for tech talk and a run-down on the big George genealogy breakthrough provided by a Welsh cousin. Jim drove down from Portland where he'd been visiting a friend. He arrived about 7:00 PM in time for dinner and a game of Pictionary.

The weather remained overcast on Saturday. About 3:00 PM it began to snow. The weather kept us indoors, but the kids seemed to enjoy just kicking back and catching up on each other's lives. After a delicious brisket-centered dinner it was games for some and night-time snow walks for others.

Enough snow had fallen during the night that I fired up the blower Sunday morning to clear the drive for the Bay Area group's departure. When all were up and ready we drove to the Black Bear Diner for hearty breakfasts. The weather had gone from bad to worse and it was raining steadily when Denise and family and Bob departed. Jim remained for another day's visit.

Tuesday the 20th you still could not see the mountain, but the gray overcast was a little higher and we decided to drive up to Bunny Flat to see what it was like at that 6800 feet elevation. It was beautiful. The trees were snow frosted and the overcast-filtered light gave a mysterious silver cast to the trees and snowscape. There was an odd neon blue glow within crevasses in the snow banks. Anyway, it was a touch of beauty after some pretty ugly weather. The evening was filled with a slide show of a father and son backpack trip some 25 years ago; genealogy talk; a video movie; and the odds and ends of rememberances that bond a family.

Jim departed for his visit to the Bay Area about 11:00 AM on the 20th. He would stay with Bob and see his house for the first time.

Despite the lousy weather it had been enjoyable having all our children and grandchildren together with us -- a rare and memorable event that may not happen all that many more times.

Photos of the visit:

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