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Key points Older paradigm of treatment Reform paradigm of treatment Intersexed Viewpoint
Who are the 
 proponents of each 

John Money, most pediatric urologists  and pediatric endocrinologists, many 
gynecologists (including the physicians  Patricia Donohoe, Kenneth Glassberg,  etc.)

Intersex activists (including Cheryl 

Chase), most involved ethicists (including Alice Dreger, Edmund 
Howe, Robert Crouch), a few physicians (including Bruce Wilson, William Reiner, Justine Schober)

I see that John Money has ignored the abstract i mail to him in Jun of 1982 on the brain and behaviour.
The SOCIAL GENDER is a learned process, however the Gender Identiy of ones 'sex' or 'gender' seems to be 'built in'.regardlss of the gentalia between the legs.
What is intersex?
Intersex is an anatomical abnormality  which is highly likely to lead to great  distress in the family and great distress  for the intersexed person. Intersex is 
pathological and requires medical attention.

Intersex is an anatomical variation 

from the "standard" male and female types; just as skin and hair color varies 
along a wide spectrum, so does sexual anatomy.

We are whole, you are half AND you use EITHER the right or the left, whereas we use BOTH right and left simultaneously.


Is gender 
 determined by 
 nature or nurture?

Virtually any child can be made into a "boy" or a "girl" if you just make the genitals look convincing. It doesn't matter what the genes, brain, pre-natal life are/were like.

Both, surely, but that isn't the point! The point is that intersexed people ought to  be treated with the same basic ethical 

principles as everyone else - respect  for their autonomy and  self-determination, truth about their  bodies and lives, etc. Physicians and researchers should stop using intersex   in "nature/nurture" experiments.

Nature/Genetics & maybe nurture. Enforced nurture can STRESS the psychic of the gender identified with regardless of their assigned sex.
If you 'break or damage their spirit', do not be surprised when they behave irrational.. 
Are intersexed 
 genitals a medical 

Yes. Untreated intersex is highly likely to result in depression, suicide, and 

possibly "homosexual" orientation. Intersexed genitals must be normalized if these problems are to be avoided. 

No. Intersexed genitals are not a medical problem. They may signal an underlying metabolic concern, but they 

themselves are not diseased; they just 
look different. Metabolic (medical) concerns should be treated medically, 
but intersexed genitals are not in need of medical treatment
Note: There is no solid evidence for this  position, and there is evidence to the  contrary.
What should be the 
 medical response?

The correct treatment for intersex is to "normalize" the abnormal genitals using 

cosmetic surgical technologies, cosmetic  hormone technologies, and so on. Doing so will eliminate the potential for psychological distress.

The whole family should receive psychological support (including referrals to peer support groups) and as  much information as they can handle 

True medical problems (like urinary infections) should be treated medically, but all cosmetic treatments should wait 
until the patient can him/herself consent  to them.

Just whose definition are you using when you use the word 'normalize'?

When should 
 treatments be 

As soon as possible. The longer you wait, the greater the trauma.

ONLY if and when the intersexed person requests them, and then only after she/he has been fully informed of the risks and likely outcomes. S/he 

should be able to talk to others who have had the treatments to get their 
views of them.
After age 3, possibly 
before age 6, with group therapy available.
Why should 
 intersex be treated 
 this way 

Because our society can't handle genital  ambiguity or non-standard variation. 
If we don't fix the genitals, the intersexed child will be ostracized, ridiculed,  rejected, and so on.

By whom? 
Who would know?
Who walks around with their head inside someone elses pants looking at genetalia?
(except maybe doctors)

Because the intersexed person has the right to self-determination where his/her genitals are concerned. Doing surgeries early interferes with that right; many surgeries and hormone 

treatments are not reversible. In addition, the risks from cosmetic 
treatments are substantial (risks to sensation, continence, fertility, risks of pain, scarring, etc.) and, given that the goal is cosmetic, these risks should only be taken if the patient him/herself has consented.
I had 11 surgeries over 11 years. Tumors and Cysts were the norm..
Forget procreation, forget sex,  but the mind never forgets.

Who should counsel 
 the parents when 
 an Intersexed child is 

The surgeons, endocrinologists, and 
maybe a genetic counselor.

The parents  need to be told their child does have a sex (male or female), but that we haven't figured it out yet. 

We will "figure it out" (in reality, the doctors will decide what  sex they will assign) and advise you as soon as possible.


A trained psychologist (including one familiar with the grief process common 

to parents facing traumatic surprises in newborns) and peer support groups.
In addition, we should make information about intersex as widely known as possible so that all expectant parents will have heard of intersex, just 

as they have heard of cleft palate, spina bifida..
Parents, intersexed people, and the public need to be provided with 

non-pathologizing images of intersexed  people.
And when the doctor guess wrongly, the child then has the potential to be really screwed up.
How do you decide
 what gender to 
 assign an 

The doctors decide. They do genetic and  other tests immediately.
If the child has a Y chromosome and an  adequate penis (or "reconstructable")  penis in the eyes of the doctors, the child  will be assigned a male gender.
If the child has a Y chromosome and an  inadequate penis (or "unreconstructable")  penis in the eyes of the doctor, the child  will be assigned a female gender and surgically "reconstructed" as such.  (Newborns must have penises of 1 inch or larger if they are to be assigned the male gender.)
If the child has no Y chromosome, it will  be assigned the female gender. The genitals will be surgically altered to look  what the doctors think female genitals 
look like. This will include clitoral  reduction, construction of a "vagina" (a hole), and so on.
Sterility guaranteed

The doctors in consultation with the 

family decide. They do genetic and other  tests immediately. Then, given what is known about the child in question and  about the aggregate histories of intersexed people with various conditions, they will  assign the gender most likely to be accepted by the family and child.
The child is assigned a male or female gender.
The doctors and parents recognize, however, that this gender assignment (like  ALL gender assignments) is preliminary.  The child may decide later to change it. 
That is why medically unnecessary  surgeries should not be done without the  child's consent; the child may want the flesh later to construct genitals different than the ones the doctors would have  chosen.

What should the  Intersexed person  be told when s/he is  old enough to  understand?

Very little, because telling all we  know will just lead to gender  confusion that all these surgeries were  meant to avoid. 
Withhold information and records if necessary; use  euphemisms (like "we removed your twisted ovaries" instead of "we 

removed your testes" when speaking to  a woman with AIS).

Everything we know. The intersexed 

person has the right and responsibility to  know as much about her/his condition as  her/his doctor does.

How so?
If nurture defines gender, then any knowledge of the past would have no bearing on their gender
Might work on a retarded kid, but when they grow up and go see their own urologist, they will learn the truth.
Don't be surprised when they respond in a negative manner towards you and/or the previous doctors.
What's wrong with 
 the opposing 

Parents might be uncomfortable with a child with ambiguous genitalia.
The intersexed person might later wish  that her/his parents had chosen to have 

her/his genitals "normalized".

The autonomy and right to  self-determination of the intersexed 

person is violated by the surgery-centered  older model.
In the older model, surgeries are done without truly obtaining consent; parents  are not told the failure rate of, lack of 

evidentiary support for, and alternatives  to the surgery approach.
Children assigned "male" and those assigned "female" are treated according to  sexist asymmetrical lines in the older  model.
Lying to or deceiving patients and parents  is wrong, even if done with beneficent  intentions.


Tell the parents that the child has a large clitoris or a small penis and that when the child is older, hormonal treatments can begin to 'normalize' the child.

Surgery benefits the doctors financially, because their are complications with these kinds of surgery and so the kid has to go back for more and more surgery, with the doctor taking more and more photos, etc. The doctors mess up the kids mind.
What is the ideal 
 future of intersex?

Elimination via improved scientific and  medical technologies.

Social acceptance and the recognition that  sexual categories are socially constructed.

Raise all as females, without surgery. 

It will be easier for them to re-adjust if they choose to become males.


What most fail to acknowledge is that it has been well documented that several types of Intersexed conditions run in family groups.

In Puerto Rico for example there have been documented over 21 cases where by the babies born at birth resemble females, yet when puberty starts their bodies masculine and they become boys instead of girls. The females then have a  85% chance of procreation, although many of the males have HYPOSPADIAS, so they have to have surgery to close the penis un the underside.

In Tahiti, for example 21 members of a family are born looking like male, but at puberty their bodies feminize with a 75% chance of conceiving.  However do to their culture the emotional trauma is not as great as it would be in america.
In america females are discounted and males have a higher value, whereas this is was not so in Tahiti prior to 'western civilization' moving in.

If western medicine gets involved in those countries where these kind of birth defects exist, then the babies will either not be born because they will be aborted or they will be stigmatized by the social conditions of a western civilization.

where 'political correctness' has become the rule. 


Further reading:

  See the website of the Intersexed Society of North America:
   Dreger, Alice. 1998. When Medicine Goes Too Far in the Pursuit of Normality. New York Times, 28 
   July, Science Times. 
   Dreger, Alice. 1998. Special issue on intersexuality. Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (4). 
   Dreger, Alice. 1999. Intersex in the Age of Ethics. Hagerstown Maryland: University Publishing 
   Dreger, Alice Domurat. 1998. "Ambiguous Sex" - or Ambivalent Medicine? Ethical Issues in the 
   Medical Treatment of Intersexuality. Hastings Center Report 20 (3):24-35.