Another Concept: Conjunctive-Reality

tabMy thoughts about personal-realities opened up a Pandora's box of possibilities and questions. If we all have a unique and different personal-reality then where does reality actually lay? How many possible realities are there? What is truth? The concept of conjunctive-reality goes a long way in explaining my thoughts on these questions. Conjunctive means conjoined or sharing attributes. I'm sure set theory has a better term. By conjunctive-reality I mean two or more personal-realities sharing a logical construct derived from mutual assumptions and stipulations. This concept lays the ground work for understanding prejudice, apriori judgement, religious experiences and acculturation for a few things. Also, this gives us a hint at the appearance of the reality we participate in each day.
tabHow do conjunctive-realities come into existence? I believe it starts at birth or a little before. We are born into a language, a family, a sex, a religion, a community, and a society (there are more groups that could be added). Our parents start to prepare us for life within these groups. They teach us a language (communicating in mutually agreed upon terms). Most languages have a subject-verb-object structure; and this is learned at such an early age that it probably structures our thinking and perceptions for the rest of our lives.
tabLANGUAGE IS JUST A TOOL. Words are symbols for a generalized concept about a class of objects and actions. There are some serious problems with language; it is, by definition, unable to capture reality. We become habituated to seeing the world around us and ourselves as simple, isolated objects. In truth, NO TWO THINGS ARE THE SAME; ALL THINGS ARE INTERCONNECTED, AND NOTHING IS SIMPLE.
tabOur parents overlay our innate-connected perceptions with our "native" language and the conjunctive-realities they have subscribed to. As we get older, the sexual, racial, social, religious and other realities we accept become additional overlays in our personal-realities. We also have our own experiences that we attempt to incorporate into this construct. The problems arise when we mistake this structure as reality and identify with it. Then, when encountering "foreign" realities' or something in our experiences requires a leap or expansion of our personal-reality, we tend to have a reaction of some sort : fear, hate, disorientation, denial, religious experiences and other responses.  For centuries, wisemen of many religions have understood this relationship between worldly knowledge (complex conjunctive-realities) and the Truth( the Way, the Tao, spiritual knowledge, Communion and all the other ways to attempt to describe direct-knowledge of the truth). Most religions are based on systems of disciplines designed to reach these transcendental states.
tabIn conclusion, I feel that through indoctrination into the conjunctive-realities that surround us we "forget" the Truth we were connected with. The tool of language is great for a structured approximation of reality, like science; but limiting, habituating and a dead-end in the search for the Truth. A better approach to True Knowledge would be to pursue a religious discipline. "Seek and ye shall find."
Thoughts Take Form

tabPersonal Reality

E-mail Doug Bennett