Institute for Faineant Studies (IFS)

Founder and Director Weston W. George Jr.

A transcript of the only interview ever given by the IFS Founder and Director (FAD)

Press: Can you briefly describe the aims of IFS?

FAD: Gladly. IFS is dedicated to reigning in, if not completely eliminating human actvity.

Press: Can you expand on that a bit?

FAD: The most cursory analysis of the world's many problems reveals that most are caused by human activity -- war, environmental degradation, over-population, inflation, traffic congestion, crime, presidential impeachments. If we can just convince enough people to be faineant, the planet will be a much better habitat for all living creatures.

Press: Would you give us the definition of faineant?

FAD: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language gives the following definition: "faineant (fay-nee-ent) adj. Given to doing nothing; idle; lazy. -- n. An irresponsible idler." Naturally we of the Institute disagree with the characterizations of faineants and lazy or irresponsible. On the contrary, the most responsible citizens of the world practice faineance.

Press: But isn't the very act of organizing and running the Institute contrary to the Institute's goal of faineance?

FAD: We do as little as possible. I must go now.

Press: Thank you for your time.

Faineant Humor Corner

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