Fostering Growth and Discovery

The symbol for Gemini represents a double, but constant nature, the fusion and integration of opposites. The pictograph for Gemini resembles a simple drawing of the arms and shoulders, the parts of the body that come under Gemini. As the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini combines the “I find my center within myself” of the numeral one with the adaptability of number two. The result is a balanced yet versatile approach to life. Gemini represents the ability to hold two opposing views and to harmoniously synthesize apparently contradictory ideas.

Three’s most descriptive symbol is a triangle, representing symmetry and balance. The concept of unity inherent in Gemini and number three is alive and well in Hindu astrology, where Gemini is a united pair: man and woman. The concern for balance can manifest as a special interest in health and purity, a desire to act in harmony with nature. Gemini may grow its own food and pay special attention to a healthful and balanced diet. A healthful diet helps to unite the spiritual self and the earth and so aid mental and physical health.


The two principle stars of the constellation Gemini are the Castor and Pollux of Greek mythology. The legend of these famous twins helps to explain two basic characteristics of this sign: (1) there is a natural sensitivity and (2) Gemini can unify seemingly opposing concepts.

The two brothers were devoted to each other, though Castor was mortal and Pollux divine. When Castor was killed, Pollux' sadness was so great that he refused to take his place among the gods without his brother. Finally it was decreed that Pollux should give half his immortality to Castor. Each brother then spent part of his time among the gods and part among mortals on the earth. So the Dioscuri—sons of Zeus—combine the concepts of heaven and earth, spirit and matter. Natives with planets in Gemini who are in tune with the symbolism of their sign can successfully enjoy the physical world but also be conscious of a deep attunement to divinity.


As the night house of Mercury, Gemini is one of the two zodiacal signs which does not have its own domicile lord. Mercury is the planet that is closest to the Sun. The old Greek legends are more suited to Gemini then to Virgo, Mercury’s day sign. If we read the legends of Mercury (Hermes in ancient Greece), we are struck by his intimate association with Apollo, the Sun God. The two gods were so closely linked in mythology that their lives and activities are difficult to separate. In many ways their close association is similar to the mythology of Castor and Pollux.

The ordered domicile scheme suggests that Apollo is a natural choice for the primary lord of Gemini. Apollo was the only one of the principle gods who was himself a twin, his sister being Artemis (Diana), the goddess of the hunt. Apollo was the shepherd god, and he was already a young man when the child who was destined to become his closest friend was born. Hermes wasted no time in beginning the mischief for which he later became famous.

His first prank was to steal 50 head of cattle from Apollo. When Apollo discovered the theft, he insisted on taking Hermes to Zeus for judgement. On the way to Olympus, undeterred, Hermes stole Apollo’s golden bow and arrow from beneath his eyes. Against his wishes, Apollo found himself charmed by the cleverness of the child.

Thus began an exchange of possessions and duties which reflects Gemini's association with barter, trade, commerce and business dealings. Among the exchanges were Hermes’ gift of the lyre to Apollo in exchange for the cattle Apollo tended. Apollo gifted Hermes with his staff which Hermes then used to look after the herds.

Hermes’ proclivity to acquire articles and possessions may be seen today in sidereal Gemini’s tendency to collect numerous items of interest, often with an eye to their increasing value. Generally these items—stamps. coins, gemstones, books, keepsakes, artifacts or even valuable plants more often than not turn out to be worthwhile financial investments.

Apollo was the god of prophecy, music and healing, and as such his role was similar to Gemini's contemporary image— sensitive and intuitive. (Remember that Gemini’s overlay sign is Tropical Cancer.) Apollo's companions were the muses, who inspired poetry, dance, and the arts. Sidereal Gemini often has the unique ability to convey moods and feelings—the essence of an idea or situation—through dance or other arts, even though the sign is not particularly gifted verbally.

Apollo’s highest function was that of the God of Truth. As the god of prophecy, Apollo spoke from his own knowledge rather than through tricks of divination, a reference to the ability to connect spirit and matter. This prophetic function harmonizes with Gemini as the leader of the third sidereal triad—Gemini, Libra and Aquarius—the three signs that can sense psychic and emotional undercurrents.

As the Greek and Roman cultures became intertwined, Hermes' identity became absorbed into that of Mercury, the Roman god of commerce and travel. Mercury, the most fleet-footed of the gods, had winged sandals and a winged hat, indicating his rulership over movement, travel, and speed. Gemini is usually thought of as representing the more mundane methods of travel, such as automobiles, trucks, and rail lines, but the sign also represents the more exotic modes of movement such as air travel and space flight. All of the first U.S. and Russian astronauts sent into space were born with Pluto in sidereal Gemini. These courageous but disciplined men represented the new new frontiers (Pluto) of movement (Gemini).


Gemini’s ancient domicle lord, Hermes, as well as Apollo, were the classic Greek pictures of divine childhood. Both were honored as children. Some of their most famous deeds were accomplished as babes or young children, such as Apollo’s capture of the Delphi oracle and Hermes’ acts of cunning thievery. Sidereal Gemini is not so much a sign of mothering as it is a sign of the learning and discovery process. Loving learning itself, Gemini likes to foster growth in children or young people and do what it can to set them up for a successful life. Gemini understands the child’s delight in absorbing new information. This sign is curious about almost everything, and has the unique ability to relate to children on their own level. A true Gemini is his own child’s best friend.

There is often a warmth and a quirky sense of humor with this sign. If you observe many individuals with Gemini on the ascendant, you’ll notice that their eyes are bright and twinkling and even innocent with a look of inquiry about them. The eyes of the great scientist, Albert Einstein, who had sidereal Gemini rising, displayed the typical sparkle of this sign.

Both Hermes and Apollo were teachers of man and both were shepherd gods, shepherding being one of the oldest caretaking occupations. Hermes had the title, Guardian of the Flocks. As a god associated with the Sun, Apollo was an ancient lord of vegetation. Certain natives of Gemini will enjoy watching planets grow from seeds just as they will enjoy watching their children grow from early childhood to adulthood. Another link to children is the fact that Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis, was a patron of childbirth and the guardian of children. She gained this title because of her skill in helping to deliver Apollo at his birth.


In India, Gemini’s house, the third is called the house of courage. Mars here is said to give strength and bravery. This connection with strength links directly to the third house as the house governing the shoulders, hands and arms. Emphasis on Gemini or its natural house, the third, in the horoscope will often indicate strength or agility in the upper body and arms. Some emphasis in stellar Gemini or the third house is necessary for success in arm-related sports for both men and women—boxing, wrestling, golf, baseball, swimming, and tennis are all Geminian sports.

In the old myths the Gemini twins was renowned for their athletic prowess—Pollux for boxing while Castor was a skilled warrior and horseman. Like Castor and Pollux, Apollo was known for his physical strength. While still a child he took possession of the oracle of Delphi by killing the guardian serpent. He also killed the cyclops, as well as being renowned for his use of the silver bow. The traditional lord of Gemini, Mercury was also an athletic god who invented the arts of boxing and gymnastics.


Though Gemini men often get along exceptionally well with women, the mythology of the sign involves the deep friendship of men with each other—the devotion of the two brothers Castor and Pollux, the companionship of Hermes and Apollo (neither of whom married) and lastly—if Apollo turns out to be associated with Gemini—his love for the youth Hyacinth. Apollo was generally unlucky in love. Though he pursued maidens and fathered children, he never married, and Hyacinth wsa taken away from him by the jealous west wind. With all these mythological stories, we would expect Gemini to somehow tie in with homosexuality.


The suggested exaltation scheme in Planets: Ministers of the Zodiac places Neptune's exaltation in Gemini. Since Gemini's domicile lord, Mercury, and Neptune are generally considered to represent opposing traits, it will seem odd to many astrologers that Neptune may be exalted in Gemini. But the sidereal signs don’t reflect planetary psychology so much as the activities for which the associated gods are known. Traditionally Mercury rules two signs that are in square to each other, so it becomes less of a contradiction that a planet unlike Mercury may be exalted in its sign of secondary rulership.

Mythologically the God of the Sea is connected with the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, as well as with Apollo. Neptune often sent storms to sea, but he gave to Castor and Pollux the power to calm the waves. The twins rode their white horses over the waves aiding sailors in peril. Another suitable link of Gemini to Neptune revolves around Mercury's role as the god of commerce and trade. Anciently much exchange of goods between countries took place via ships that traveled Neptune's seas. Today we use not only ships, but air flight as well to transport goods from one country to another. The symbolism of Gemini applies in both cases.

Apollo also has a connection to Neptune. When his mother Ledo needed a place to give birth to her son, Neptune came to her aid by raising the underwater floating island of Delos as her resting place. In ancient Greece dolphins were sacred to Apollo, and he was said to seek their aid in rescuing mortals in trouble.

Temperamentally Neptune is not unlike sidereal Gemini. In this sign Neptune's imaginative function becomes utilitarian, for Gemini is concerned with usefulness and value and displays ingenuity in pursuing its ends. The absorptive and imaginative properties of Neptune can be consciously used in Gemini, a sign which naturally tunes into subconscious undercurrents.

The ancient Zoroastrian priests gave an interesting coinhabitant to Gemini along with Hermes: Nephele, a phantom woman created by Zeus. Not so unlike Neptune!

Another similarity between Neptune and Gemini is the wish to constantly explore new horizons. This can take the form of acquiring knowledge thorough study or actual physical travel about the globe. The god Neptune continually sought to expand the reaches of his territory beyond what was rightfully his. The sense of discovery and adventure is Neptunian—the emotional high that comes from expanding horizons.

Summary of Gemini Concepts:

Number three: balance, harmony and good health. Three is the basis of the four triads in the zodiac. There is a harmony within each triad.

Apollo and Hermes: Devoted friendship, caretaking, educating the young, athletic skill

Mercury: travel, speed, barter, exchange, business, commerce

Castor and Pollux: Unifying divergent concepts; loyal friendship, partnership, athletic prowess

Neptune (proposed exalted planet): speed, air and sea events, discovery, expansion, exploration; the imagination and inspiration used in Gemini’s arts

The body: shoulders, hands and arms


Mercury’s functions: Education and Writing:

Joanne Wickenburg, Astrologer: Sagittarius ascendant; Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Sun in Gemini
Joanne is on the board of Kepler College, and was a tireless worker in getting Kepter started. (ADB)

Male, born July 1, 1936: Scorpio ascendant; Mars, Sun, Venus in Gemini
Spent his life in the public school system with special attention given to troubled inner city youth, preparing them for the future. Grows his own food and grows plants from seed for sale at special events.

Paolo Boringhieri: Sagittarius ascendant; Sun, Mars, Pluto, Mercury in Gemini
Italian editor and industrialist who founded a publishing house and emphasized economic and cultural publications; Received America’s equivalent of the Golden Book Award in Italy; Enjoys skiing. (Mars included in Gemini stellium)

Raymond Moody: Sagittarius ascendant; Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Venus in Gemini
Best selling author about the near-death experience and a Virginia resident in psychiatry: (born a few days after Joanne Wickenburg, above!)

The loyalty and protectiveness of Gemini:

Nancy Reagan, first lady: Virgo ascendant; Pluto, Mars, Sun, Mercury in Gemini

Active and loyal helpmeet to her husband, Ronald Reagan, throughout his political career. Known for her strong instinct to protect her husband, in later years Nancy cared for him after he became ill with Alzheimer’s disease. Nancy’s son Ron once observed her rationale of assessing individuals: “Is this person hurting [my husband] or helping him?” (Reference: AstroDababank)

Male Friendship and Homosexuality:

The older western astrological texts state that homosexuality occurs when there is an exchange of the signs between Venus, Saturn and Mercury. An ADB search of charts with Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Gemini drew six Gay charts with Gemini stelliums:

ADB #10649: Gemini ascendant; Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Sun in Gemini; Navamsa ascendant, Mars, Merucry Sun in Gemini, Venus in Aquarius (The navamsa is the relationship chart.)

ADB #10650: Virgo ascendant; Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Sun in Gemini; Mars, Mercury, Sun in navamsa Gemini; Navamsa Venus in Aquarius

ADB #10651: Libra ascendant; Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Sun in Gemini; Navamsa ascendant, Mars, Mercury, Sun in Gemini; Venus in Aquarius navamsa

ADB #10982: Virgo ascendant; Uranus, Sun, Mercury, Venus in Gemini; Moon, Neptune in Gemini navamsa; Venus in navamsa Capricorn

ADB #10995: Gemini ascendant: Uranus, Sun, Mercury, Venus in Gemini; Navamsa Venus in Capricorn, navamsa Neptune in Gemini

ADB #13021: Virgo ascendant; Venus, Mercury, Sun in Gemini

Gemini, Speed Sports, Athletics and the Arts:

Elisabetta Perrone: Pisces ascendant, Mercury, Mars, Sun and Venus in Gemini
Italian field and track star; Olympic silver medal 1996

Giacomo Agaostini: Gemini ascendant; Sun, Jupiter, Moon in Gemini
Italian motocyclist, the most successful racer of all time

Gower Champion: Sagittarius ascendant; Sun, Mars, Pluto, Mercury in Gemini
American dancer and choreographer with youthful grace and charm;
Gemini friendship bond: Together with his wife Marge, they became one of the most succesful dance pair of the postwar era.

Celia Franca; Capricorn ascendant; Sun, Mars, Pluto, Mercury in Gemini
British dancer and choreogrpher, founder of the National Ballet Company of Canada in 1951; Born three days after Gower Champion, above!

Neptune transits Gemini 1899 to 1911-12

New advances in air flight:
Apollo's chariot was drawn by swans rather than the conventional horses. Mercury wore a winged hat and winged sandals. Neptune flew over the seas in his chariot.

The early U.S. space missions were named Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. All the early astronauts had Pluto in Gemini in their horoscopes.

July 1900: Count von Zeppelin launches his airship

December 1903: Orville and wilbur Wright take to the air in their flying machine

July 25, 1909: Louis Beriot flies across the English channel in a mono plane

Examples of Pilot horoscopes:

ADB Pilot 8875: Scorpio ascendant; Sun, Venus, Mercury in Gemini with a close Neptune square to the Sun from Virgo

ADB Pilot 7077: Pisces ascendant, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto in Gemini, Neptune quincunx the ascendant from Leo

Cultural progress and communication:

Mercury-Neptune Symbolism:

December 1901: Wireless messages span the Atlantic Ocean

Film Making: 1902: Motion photography is invented

Events at Sea: (Neptune and Pluto transit Gemini):

Nov 15, 1906: The world’s biggest battleship, the Satsuma is launched in Japan

October 1907: Atlantic liners battle it out for speed record

1907: The longest and most gruelling motor race, 8000 miles long, is held from Beijing to Paris.

April 15, 1912: the Titanic sinks (Saturn aspects retrograde Neptune in Gemini)

And the Great Quake in the city by the Bay:
April 18, 1906:
The great San Francisco earthquake: Pisces rose with Mercury in its fall in the ascendant sign with a partile square from Neptune in Gemini at the nadir opposed by Uranus at the MC in Sagittarius.

© 2004 East-West Publishing, Therese Hamilton

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