This is a comment from Shari Soza,   about brain damage and head injury.

I myself had a head injury,  at the age of 22,  which the doctor told me was a
"concussion",   a "bruised brain",  after being in an auto accident,  hit from
behind in a Volkswagen,   by a pickup truck,   getting onto the freeway in Houston,

First,  my head hit the steering wheel,  over the left eye,   shattering
my glasses and bruising my eye,   and then,   the carseat with me in it,
broke loose from the bottom of the car,   and we were both thrown into the
windshield,   with me hitting the left forehead on the windshield.   In this
accident,   I was knocked out,   made unconscious,   had a grand mal seizure
in the emergency room,   was in a coma for 3 days,   then in the hospital
for another 7 days.    They did tests to be sure that there was no major blood
vessels broken in the brain.

The neurologist wanted me to take Dilantin.   I tried it
for two months,   then refused to take it any more,  because
it made me feel like I had no conscience.    That is the way I remember
expressing it.   It canceled out a layer of my inner awareness.

Even earlier,   when I was 17,   I was a passenger in a car accident,   and my friend
ran into a car in front of us,   and I was thrown into the windshield,   that time,
hitting the forehead on the right side,   but the doorpost {which was not straight},
was crushed,   and it held me down by the knee,   holding me down,   so that the
force of the accident was less.    That time,   I suffered a cut on my knee,   and the
soft tissues of the neck were worse hurt than the head.    I did not get knocked out.

At the time of the accident at 22,   in the EEG report,   it says that the irregular
brainwaves the test found were not caused by that accident;   the technician believed
that they were caused by the earlier accident at 17.    I had never had any overt
seizures,   that affected me physically.   Apparently,   the irregular brainwaves are
caused by the neck injury,   not the bruised brain.

After I refused to take the Dilantin,   I was not bothered by any overt seizures that
affected me physically.    One thing I suffered was a pituitary hormone imbalance;
I took Parlodel for galactorhea.

I did gain a lot of experience,  though,   as my brain reprogrammed itself,    also called
personality changes,    and I have tried to share some of the truths that I channeled,
and wrote about thru the years.

In my own case,   I was smart enough to refuse to take the Dilantin,   and to somehow
avoid asking for help about it,   from doctors.    I'll bet that if I had kept on taking that
Dilantin,   and frequenting those neurologist doctors,    I would have been talked into
taking more of their magic pills.

My late husband had been a combat-wounded veteran,    and had head injuries from
things like mortar concussion.     Instead of getting any real help with head injury,
he had been diagnosed as schizophrenic,  and he had been treated with electroshock
and insulin coma therapy,   in VA hospitals.    The excessive insulin damaged his arteries
and veins,   and he suffered many years from high blood pressure,  heart angina,

I have a weakened immune system,   from my head injury,    have in the past
taken Parlodel for a pituitary imbalance between prolactin and growth hormone,
which affects the immune system.    This is one reason that I feel so deeply,  that
if the hypothalamus area somehow stores up stress,   and there is a way to
release this by yoga or meditation or listening to special frequencies,    that this
is important,  and it should be taught to more people.

We people have to stop being willing victims of the mental health system,  and the
allopathic dominator system,   and work to study and understand,   and to teach
each other,  now that we have the Internet as a communication media.

Strangely,   the brain changes that I experienced,   added to the effects of
a silent wish I had made,   the year before in 1967,   to be given psychic gifts,   like
Edgar Cayce,   to use to help other people.   I was at the time,   driving his son,
Hugh Lynn Cayce,   around our area,   to go for interviews at radio and TV stations,
with my newspaper reporter mother.  That night,    I was visited by non-material
beings,  that activated my heart chakra.   I described it on this web page.

And,   during those 3 days while I was in a coma in the hospital,   I was having the
same dream,   of being in a circular building that seemed like a college,   where
everyone seemed to be studying at personal computers,   much like we have today
with the Internet.

It appears that there is a real need for web pages about how to deal with a head
injury,   because we sure are not getting a straight story from the medical doctors,
and surely not from the mental health believers.

If there are some important facts like the hypothalamus storing up stress,   then we
need to document this,  so that it can be taught,  to help as many people as possible.
If unrelieved stress,   stored in the hypothalamus,   can make the hypothalamus-
pituitary-adrenal system malfunction,    and prevent us from healing,   and keeping
us trapped in chronic illness,   then I am going to seek out the simplest way to
release this,   that can be taught and documented,   and spread the word.
This is where I am going to put it
I will try to add links to my other articles,  that might apply to this,   or to other people's
web pages,   that might relate to this.

One practice that I remember that was helpful in relaxing,   was kundalini yoga,
which I used to attend the classes in Houston,   in the early 1970's.     An Indian Sikh yogi,
Yogi Bhajan,   had started this movement,  to teach this system of exercises,  breathing
exercises,  chanting,   and similar,     and they are still there.

I see that some people know of simple gadgets or cassette tapes,  that are inexpensive,
that can help us relax and achieve the Alpha brainwave state.    Others have developed
fancier,  more complicated brainwave tools.    I will keep seeking what is available,
what is the simplest,  most uncomplicated,   that could be recommended.

I will keep working on it,    developing a website,    to collect all this information,
because if this is true,   and we could help millions of chronically ill people get healed,
think how much good that could do!

Another thing I am working on,  is an outline for a college course,   or a text-book,
that would teach the most important things that we should know about diet and nutrition,
so that we can take a more pro-active approach,   and take better care of ourselves,
and I will be integrating my best earlier health articles,   my NutriZen\BodyEquations
database,    to update them,   and make it more comprehensive.

It really concerns me that these laws are being passed in so many states,   to forcefully
medicate anyone,   against their will,   with drugs that are known to cause damage.
And at the same time,   the FDA is thinking of taking away our legal right to use herbs,
so that they can be made into patentable drugs,   that the huge pharmaceutical companies
can make profits from.     Not just on one front are our rights being abolished,  but on
many different fronts.

It is time to end the domination of the allopathic medical establishment,   the mental
health -trained controllers,    the pharmaceutical profiteers,    and all those who lie to us,
for profit,  with so little real concern for our best interests.

The only way that we can really end this domination is thru teaching people how simple
it is to use the healing powers that are built into our bodies,   and how to furnish our
bodies the right nutrients or herbs,   instead of using toxic pharmaceutical drugs.
The only way to end this domination is thru studying,   teaching,   writing.

Everyone needs to get a copy of this book and study it.    Ask your public library to get it.
Reclaiming Our Health,   Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Source of True Healing,
by John Robbins

Everyone should re-read  Confessions of a Medical Heretic,   by Robert S Mendelsohn MD.

And everyone needs to get a copy of the books by Barry Sears PhD,   about what he calls the Zone diet. He is not just a diet doctor.  He is a biochemist with many years of research experience and clinical trials to test these ideas.    By learning to eat in the proportion of proteins,  carbohydrates,  and fats, we control the eicosanoids,   promoting the good ones,  and reducing the bad ones.   This is worth learning.   The eicosanoids are super-hormones that control everything else in our bodies.

Everyone needs to start growing an organic garden,  if at all possible.   We cannot be truly healthy,
eating food from the grocery store or restaurants.

One book that I thought interesting,   that everyone should read,  is Rebels Against The Future.
It tells about how the peasants in England used to grow their food gardens in common lands,
like we might call our national forests,  until they were driven off those lands,  and fenced out.

I promote gardening and
journaling.    On the same model as "self-directed learning",    we can record everything we take
in our diet or supplements,   and how we felt,   how it affected us,   adding a layer of self-control
and understanding.   I use a DayTimer calendar-based diary.   Anything calendar-based will do.

I started a database of nutritional truths,    about 1991,   spent two years studying and recording
things in this format,    that I call  NutriZen\BodyEquations.    I have the pages all converted to
.htm files,   on my website,   at

I have hesitated about whether to try and sell copies of it,  or put it on the website.
I retain the copyrights,  but go ahead and use it.

"Lawrence A. Plumlee" wrote:

Dear Kat,
Psychiatry is so married to the treatment of abnormal behaviour with drugs
that they tend to do this even when there is brain damage from an accident.
 This means adding more brain damage, when what is needed is to heal the
brain with nutrition, rest, and discharge of the emotional distress
experienced (catharsis).