Welcome To My World

Also See
Resource Models To Energize A Local Economy

Actually, I am inviting you to join me in my already well-established higher reality.

What is new for you is an "old story" for me, and I have the archives to prove it. Now, I have to run out ahead, and create more new layers of reality, while I invite you into some older, well- stabilized layers of my story.

It is not good manners to invite you into unstable layers of reality, as many visionaries do, because they do not know any better. As one of the few who knew how to do this, I have learned to create new layers of reality, and when it is needed. To me, it all is software.

My B.S. degree is in Chemistry, and my senior seminar subject was on Elementary Particles and The Interface Between Matter And Energy. (Lamar, Beaumont, Texas, 1968, last name was Seth).

Now it is time to tell the secret.

I think I may be more able to come forth with my knowledge for more general consumption,  because of the great need to rethink our group decisions, and formulate new ones. Deepak Chopra says that "geniuses may lead, but for the real shift to the new paradigm, most people need to make the jump to the new ways of thinking."

So, every so often, we geniuses have to let the cat out of the bag. It is really quite simple, after you understand.

The theme for my "next world" is "Crystallized In Tranquility". We Mensans sometimes live in our own "fantasy world", by choice, because there are so few around like us. Now this talent can come in handy. I am inviting you to join into my personal vision, and gradually, we will adapt it to enfold most of your own personal vision. 

It is a lot like teleportation, except that instead of being transported to another place, you will be transported, if you choose to make the transition, to another time dimension. I call the process "Time-Matrix Translation". The name is from the RightBrain, intuitively. 
First, we each, and together, create the "new story" the way we really want it, in words; we create a mental model, a 2D picture or a spatial 3D visual image, that tells our spatial side of the brain where to take us, and also a metaphor, the descriptive words that tell our verbal side of the brain what it is.

This process IS-LIKE having a map and also the directions on how to get there, step by step. I will be your guide. This is just a high-tech style of delivering the message. There are more than enough of the "secrets of the universe" revealed in these files, for those open to these ideas. And as soon as cashflow permits, my own Web server with more archives full of ideas, the ideas that we need right now. The local economy vision

Then we work constantly to perfect our own mental orderliness, constantly refocusing on the "new story" of our conscious choice, and also the true state of our current reality. This builds a creative tension between the two layers of reality, that performs the translation process.

I will supply regular essays or editorials, some gleaned from my personal archives, and some new and current. It is actually a transcending of your thought processes to a higher plane that you already exist in, but which certain habits of self-talk, or of failing to plan ahead, lead you to be less than the best possible "you" you could be.

The message itself comes partly from things that I know from my RightBrain telling me, for the last 30 years, and now may come from either side of my brain. Or sometimes thoughts come thru the RightBrain on themes that are brand-new.

Lots of my very best ideas have come in the early morning, just before waking. For a look at the text of a prayer in late 1973, that really set things into motion, click here. SeedTime

For some other authority on where the RightBrain thoughts originally came from, click here. BicameralMind

You Can Start Work On Yourself, Even Without Me, By Redefining Your Personal Vision: Writing Down All The Things That You Started And Did Not Finish, All The Very Important Things That You Want To Do With Your Life, And Building A New Layer To Your Story, Translate All Of The Fragments Of Your Story Into This New Center Layer.

The Key Theme That I Got In Winter Solstice 1973, Was "Survival Thru Redefinition". This is how you add a higher layer of consciousness, then plug all the pieces of your self back into it.

Basically, you just tell yourself to do it, and your unconscious will figure out the details for you. But making the recordings helps to build the new layer of your story.

The local economy vision

To register your intentions to work for a prosperity vision for Siskiyou County, and for The State Of Jefferson, please sign in here. You can consider it a "vote", or a "petition", or anything else your heart desires. [You can consider a decision to also learn how to create your own future a separate decision.]

The important thing is that we stop listening to the anti-prosperity vision that the U.S. Forest Service is trying to project into the future, and that we start consciously creating our own futures, each of us.

I attended a few of the Community Action Plan visioning meetings. I left the last one in the middle, on 11-18-95, convinced that I can do more, all by myself, than that bunch of 2 dozen bureaucrats.

If you also feel inspired to send in some ideas on how your own personal vision would fit into a shared vision for the county, this is the place to send it.

I am not a false front for any bureaucratic assault on your rights, like some of the fake citizen input organizations that I have seen promoted in the past, just to raise your hopes and then the grassroots group suddenly melted away, into a backroom lawyers committee.

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within You.
The Keys To Realizing This Are In Learning To Use Both Sides Of Your Brain When You Think, And Being Sure To Have Your Heart Chakra Open.

To Those Who Enter In, I Promise To Help You Learn How To Do This.

At first, this is a data gathering phase. When I get enough information, I will send out an e-mail message to any who want to contribute money, to help me set up our own WebServer.

If you are able, you can also hire me to do a home page for you, or some other desktop publishing.. That is a good way to help me succeed.

How Much Does It Cost? If you want to be in the forefront, of this transition, you should become a paying client. The best ideas will be furnished to these clients. The others will get enough ideas to catch up to us eventually.

The reason for this is that, as always, computers and laser printers keep wanting more gadgets and more software and more supplies. This is just a fact of the material world.

And you having new visual marketing materials to look at, can help to crystallize your own secret desires for a business. We want to energize the ones who already have a well-developed dream, and could quickly make it a reality and possibly hire others to help, if they just had a little push, a little encouragement.

You could call this effort a time to "Be with us", tell us your dream, and maybe together, we can all help each other make it real. There is a book that you can get some ideas from, TeamWorks, Building Support Groups That Guarantee Success. This is the spirit in which I offer these services.

For now,     use my WWWboard message board,   at

If I tried to display all this data on this home page, it would not take long to exceed my Snowcrest home page space. I think we want a WebSite that can be accessed with the WWW protocols, to properly market all the local products. This part is still ill-defined.

The cold hard truth seems to be, right now, that we cannot really have the freedom to use forms and cgi, until we do have our own web site.
News Flash!!   Something new called  MIVA/htmlscript may give us the same capability without running our own website.

Copyright, 1995-1998  Shari {Seth} Soza  

ESSE {SHARI SOZA ENTERPRISES}: Personal Sovereignty Support Systems, Philosopher Futurist Consultant, NutriZen\ BodyEquations, Mensan, Time-Matrix Translation, Reality Change Consultant, Management Consultant, Stress Depletion Consultant, Dispute Resolution, Creating A Future
