2008 Pictures~Page 7

Dinner Gathering Pictures 2008

The Girls-I have typed these names so many times you must know by now who they are...

Rick Fusi 1975 & Rachel Friedland Fusi 1977

Patrick Conway 1973 & Andie Niclai Ullsmith 1977

Rocky Hamblock 1975, Debra Kuhnle Heyerman 1976

& Patrick Conway 1973

Group Shot

Novie Willis 1973 & Marla Willis

Scott Miller 1979 & Cheryl Dixon

John Smith 1973 & Mary Smith

Ron Borges 1972, Karen Thompson Hadley 1976

Jim Swift 1969 & Wes McCabe 1970

Jill Lindley Kelley 1977

Jennifer Lindquist Swift 1975 & Tom Swift 1971

Kim Kilby Tyner 1977 & Jim Tyner

Ed Ouellette 1972 & Cherry Ouellette

Jim Swift 1969, Wes McCabe 1970

& Tony Martin 1972

Holly Niclai Shaner 1982 & Andie Niclai Ullsmith 1977