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Letter No. 6, November 30, 2002

Dear Family and Friends,

So this is my first letter to you as a Peace Corps Volunteer (PVC) Officer. I'm not just a lowly trainee anymore. Swearing in was two days ago, Thanksgiving Day. It was really a neat experience. The U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania really likes Peace Corps Volunteers and insisted that he be the one to host our ceremony, at his house, which is more like a huge mansion, overlooking the Indian Ocean on the edge of Dar es salaam....Dar. Needless to say, I felt very privileged. The Ambassador and his wife were both very sweet. Apparently, she's been known to send a few volunteers cookies and bits and pieces. The ceremony itself was pretty simple and formal. The Ambassador had a few words to say, our PC Country Director had a few words, 3 of the trainees gave speeches in Kiswahili, and then we said our "oath of service" and we were done. Afterwards there were Masai dancers and the Thanksgiving Dinner. It was so YUMMY!!!! to eat real mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy........

As PCV'S, were members at the American Club in Dar as well. This isn't something that happens in every country, but I'm sure glad it is the case in Tanzania. They have a swimming pool, hot-tub, a place to watch/rent new release movies and a TENNIS COURT!!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited about that one!! Because everyone was busy at the party after swearing in, I really didn't get to play, but I did get to hit with another volunteer for about 20 minutes. We're supposed to really play on Monday. I am way excited about that.

Since swearing-in, I've had the first freetime since training started. It's really a strange feeling to be on no one's schedule but my own. A bunch of 1st and 2nd year PCV'S took a bunch of us new PCV'S out to this beach on the peninsula. It was absolutely beautiful. Since I had heard that the beaches in Dar were a little unsafe I had been nervous, but this was awesome. The water was so clear and blue and it had little bandas, which we could lay under for shade. You can also pay to sleep overnight in an enclosed banda, which, a lot of people are doing tonight. All in all it was a very relaxing day.

Our group is slowly getting smaller as each of us heads off to our sites. It's strange to think that some of these people, like the enviromentals, I probably won't see again for two years after this weekend. Anyone who ET's (Early Termination) I will probably never see again. It's somehow sad. Even though I haven't grown close to everyone in our group of 62, I feel like we've been through a lot together and that we've grown closer because of it. The next 6 weeks of being alone at my site before school starts will be interesting.

Love Jessica

P.S Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you at home and abroad. Keep those letters and packages coming....it makes the sun shine and a big smile on my face..Thank you to all of you for those letters I greatly appreciate you thinking of me ..Thanks Larry for my amazing web-site!

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