The Cat Band

Play the Cat Band in Flash!

Welcome! There are four different ways to play the band and all five instruments.

1) Original (Flash 3 - 141k): Play descrete notes by rolling over each of the cats.

| band 141k | organ 150k | drum 41k | squawker 41k | guitar 87k | vibraphone 83k |

2) Revised (Flash 4 - 63k): Same as above, but faster loading due to MP3.
| band 63k | organ 126k | drum 38k | squawker 35k | guitar 81k | vibraphone 66k |
3) Whipping Version (Flash 4 - 63k): Whip back and forth over the entire band.
| band 63k | organ 126k | drum 38k | squawker 35k | guitar 81k | vibraphone 66k |
4) Ultimate 'Catcophony' (Flash 4 - 63k): As above, but also click cats to loop.
| band 63k | organ 126k | drum 38k | squawker 35k | guitar 81k | vibraphone 66k |

| top of site | cat band introduction | cat band gallery |
| stan's room | submerging man | plastic chapel | contact: finley fryer |

Copyright © 1979 & 2000 Finley Fryer. All Rights Reserved.
Web Site & Flash Design: Laurence Cook, 1999